William Sleator Professor Emeritus Physiology, Biophysics PhD, 1946, University of Michigan To Contact: 453A Burrill Hall 217-333-6554 cellular processes in muscle The work in my laboratory is directed toward elucidating some of the fundamental cellular processes in muscle. One of the objectives is analysis of the excitation contraction coupling mechanism in heart muscle. The methods employed include measurement of transmembrane action potentials by means of intracellular microelectrodes, measurement of the influx and efflux of calcium and other ions using radioactive tracer techniques and ion-selective electrodes, and ultrastructural studies by electron microscopy. Recent experiments explored the effects of patterns of stimulation, effects of tetrodotoxin and epinephrine on action potential parameters such as maximum depolarization rate, and used the resulting changes in contraction strength to test certain hypotheses about the activation process. Another project employed calcium ion-selective microelectrodes to record changes in Ca++ in extracellular space of cardiac muscle during various patterns of activity. Selected Publications Little, G.R. & W.W. Sleator. 1969. Calcium exchange and contraction strength of guinea pig atrium in normal and hypertonic media. J. Gen. Phys. 54:494-511. Frank, M. & W.W. Sleator. 1975. Effect of ryanodine on myocardial calcium. Archiv. Pharmakologie 290:35-47. Robinson, R.B. & W.W. Sleator. 1977. Effects of calcium and catecholamines on the guinea pig atrial action potential plateau. Am. J. Physiol. 233:h203-h210. Suh, C.K. & W.W. Sleator. 1982. Measurements of extracellular calcium ion in guinea pig atria during activity. Biophys. J. 37:122.Information courtesy of UIUC Biophysics
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