A spam-Attack Detection and Prevention System

created for ACS Internet, Inc.



User’s Guide






presented by

Royce Williams

April 24th, 2001

Introduction                                                                                                               1

Installation                                                                                                                2

System Requirements                                                                                                                                                     2

Setup Requirements                                                                                                                                                        4

Customizing your Configuration file                                                                                                                           6

Customizing Your Allow and Ignore Files                                                                                                                10

Installing Relaydata.pm                                                                                                                                                12

Relay Reporting                                                                                                                                                             13

Sendmail Interaction                                                                                                                                                     14

Administration and Operation                                                                      15

Command-line Switches                                                                                                                                               16

-a: Display Information about All Hosts                                                                                                                     16

-c: Specifying a Different Configuration File                                                                                                           16

-d: Debugging                                                                                                                                                                 17

Debugging Levels                                                                                                                                                      17

Using A Local spamradar.conf file                                                                                                              18

-e: Exporting The Database                                                                                                                                          18

-f: Reading From a Different Mail Log File                                                                                                              19

-i: Importing Delimited Data                                                                                                                                        19

-m: Manually Search for an Arbitrary String                                                                                                          20

-o: Manually Testing A Relay                                                                                                                                      20

-O: Testing All Suspicious Relays                                                                                                                             21

-r: Generating Sendmail Reject Data                                                                                                                         21

-s: Adjusting the Number of Log Lines to Analyze                                                                                                 21

-t: Showing All Suspicious Activity in the Raw Mail Log                                                                                      22

-u: Adjusting the Username-Guessing Threshold                                                                                                   22

-v: Displaying Version Information                                                                                                                            22

-w: Watch and Act                                                                                                                                                          23

Troubleshooting                                                                                                  24

Deinstallation                                                                                                        25

References                                                                                                               26




Welcome to spamradar!


You are probably an administrator for a moderate-sized mail server, interested in filling the gap between initial spam attack and ORBS/RBL listing.  Perhaps you are just interested in seeing some statistics about where your spam is coming from.  Either way, you’ve come to the right place.


Hopefully, you will find spamradar to be a useful tool in your fight against spam.  If you have any suggestions or questions, please send them to




The most recent version of spamradar can always be found at






System Requirements


An operating system that supports POSIX.  Most Unixlike operating systems (Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, BeOS) should be able to run spamradar.  Note, however, that spamradar has only been tested on Debian Linux and Sun Solaris 2.6/2.7/8.


Perl 5.004 or higher.  Perl can be downloaded from http://www.perl.com/.  There are distributions of Perl for many platforms.


BerkeleyDB 1.x - Most sendmail installations have BerkeleyDB 1.x support.  If you do not, you can download BerkeleyDB 1.x from http://www.sleepycat.com/.


DB_File - DB_File is a Perl module for writing to Berkeley DB 1.x databases. It is available from CPAN.  The easiest way to download and install DB_File is to use the Perl CPAN interface.  If you have used CPAN before on the system on which you are installing spamradar, you've probably already got DB_File.  If you haven't used CPAN on that system before, you may need to consult http://www.cpan.org/ for more information on configuring CPAN and downloading DB_File.  To get started, you can simply type


> perl –MCPAN –e shell


rlytest.pl – Chip Rosenthal’s rlytest.pl is what spamradar uses to perform its open-relay tests.  While rlytest.pl can be downloaded from http://www.unicom.com/sw/rlytest/, spamradar ships with a modified version that is designed specifically for spamradar to use.  If you do not plan to use spamradar’s relay-testing features, you do not need rlytest.pl.  Place rlytest.pl in the same directory as spamradar.


IMPORTANT NOTE: During testing of spamradar, it was noted that rlytest.pl returns OS errorlevel 0 if passed invalid parameters – the same errorlevel that is returned if a relay is tested and refuses to relay.  Since this is an undesirable side effect, a slightly modified version of rlytest.pl is included with spamradar that addresses this issue by o returning OS errorlevel 1 if rlytest.pl fails to initialize.  This version of rlytest also avoids some side effects that come from guessing your hostname and domain name by accepting them from the command line instead.  spamradar will not work with the unmodified version of rlytest.pl.


Setup Requirements

There are a number of things to consider before installing spamradar. 


spamradar needs a server on which to run.  If you have a separate loghost that receives mail logging information, this is the ideal place for spamradar to be installed. 


The standard area to place local executables on Unix systems is usually /usr/local/bin.  This is the recommended place for spamradar’s program file, spamradar.pl.  Permissions on spamradar’s program file should be adjusted as appropriate for your site.  If spamradar is not running as root/Administrator/superuser, you will need to make sure that all of spamradar’s files are accessible by the user you choose.


You will need to decide where to keep spamradar’s database files.  Since spamradar works closely with sendmail, placing spamradar’s database files in the same area that sendmail keeps its own database files – usually /etc/mail – is often a good idea.


spamradar has three configuration files that it will look for on startup – spamradar.conf, spamradar.allow, and spamradar.ignore.  Basic versions of these files are included in the distribution.  By default, spamradar will look for these files in /etc.  You will need to populate these files with data specific to your site for spamradar to work properly.  These files are explained later in more detail.


If you will be using spamradar to test other servers to see if they are open relays, it is probably a good idea to put a notice saying so in the message that mailservers see when they connect to you.  See the documentation for your mail server software for more information on how to do this.


You will need to set up two email addresses on your systems if you intend to test for open relays:


·        Mailbox for relaytest destination.  The most important part of relay testing is the end result – the evidence that the message was actually delivered.  When spamradar tests a relay, the destination mailbox must be available to receive that message, and the only messages that are sent to that mailbox should be relay tests.  It is recommended that the email address that you select be something relatively random, rather than “bob” or “relaytest” so as to make the account less likely to be abuse..

·        Mailbox for relaytest source.  This is the "From:"address of the relay test message.  If someone manually replies to the message, it will be sent to this address.  It is recommended this be the direct email address of an actual person, or (even better) a generic email address that is read regularly by an actual person.


Because the spamradar.conf file needs to store the password used to pop test results, make sure that this file is only readable by users authorized to do so.


Customizing your Configuration file

spamradar keeps a number of important configuration parameters in the spamradar.conf file.  Some parameters are in spamradar.conf as a matter of convenience – saving you the trouble of having to use the corresponding command-line switches every time the program executes.  Other parameters are required and must be set to appropriate values for your installation before spamradar will run.


In general, if a parameter is in CAPS, this value is not modified or overrideable while spamradar is running.  Parameters in lower case can be modified by command-line switches.


Default Value


None – program will not run unless set

spamradar needs to be aware of any relays that you are manually rejecting in sendmail’s native access file (usually /etc/mail/access).



The full path to the list of hosts, domains, and networks that are allowed to relay through your mailservers (or are your own mailservers) and that should never be blocked.


None – program will not run unless set

Location of the DB file that spamradar uses to store testing history and results.  The recommended location is the same area as your mail software’s other database files are kept.



The level of debugging information that you want to see.  See the “Debugging” section later in this document for a list of possible values.



How many delivery attempts we’ll tolerate, even if a relay is listed in the spamradar.ignore file.


None – program will not run unless set

This value should be set to the fully-qualified domain name of the host on which spamradar is running.  If there are multiple network interfaces on the system, HOST should be set to the interface from which most tests will be performed.  You may need to examine the results of open-relay tests to determine the best value.



The full path to the list of hosts, domains, and networks that shouldn’t be tested even though they might pop up in spamradar’s reports for other reasons (high volume, old listservers, etc.)



How many lines to pull from the end of your mail log for analysis.  Larger values mean better accuracy and more spam detection.  Smaller values mean more speed of processing.


None – program will not run unless set

The email address of an actual person that can act on messages received about spamradar’s activities


None – program will not run unless set

The primary administrative domain in which spamradar is operating.



The location of your mail log.



If the log that you are monitoring also contains non-mail-delivery information, any log records that do not contain this string will be ignored.



The location of your mailer program.  This is used to send reports of open relays to ORBS or notify LOCAL_CONTACT of activities.



Ratio of username guesses to unique first letters we'll tolerate.  For example, if someone tries to send email to 30 unknown users, and half of the usernames begin with "a" and the other half begin with "b", this number is ( 30 / 2 ) = 15.  The bigger the number, the more likely it is to be spam attack.



This is the maximum number of successful email deliveries that spamradar will tolerate before reporting and/or testing the server.  Be aware that this parameter is closely related to the “lastlines” parameter and they need to be evaluated together for best performance.



How long to wait before reevaluating the status of a relay (in days).  During this time period, attempts to manually test this relay will fail.



The tolerable percentage of deliveries that are bad.  If this threshold is exceeded, spamradar will be more likely to test the relay.  Valid values range from 0 (test everyone) to 1 (test no one).



This is the maximum number of username guesses that spamradar will tolerate before reporting and/or testing the server



This is the location of spamradar's log file.  It must be writeable by the user running spamradar.



The name of the pop server that has the account that will receive test results.  If not defined, spamradar will search any domains listed in your domain suffixes.


None – program will not run unless set

The password to use to pop test results.  Note that the spamradar.conf file should be secured so that only authorized personnel can view this password.



This is the list of paths that are in the program execution path.  This needs to be set for security purposes.


None – program will not run unless set

Location of the Berkeley DB file that sendmail references to block relays that have tested as open.


None – program will not run unless set

The full path to the location of the rlytest.pl binary that spamradar will call to test a relay.



Boolean flag to indicate whether or not we will display hosts that we would normally suppress in our output.



This is the location of your external 'tail' program.  spamradar needs to use 'tail' to efficiently pull the last lines from the mail log.


None – program will not run unless set

This value should be set to the address of the mailbox you set up to be the recipient of relay tests.  For maximum security, choose a name that is difficult to guess.


None – program will not run unless set

This value should be set to the address of the mailbox you set up to be the recipient of relay tests. This address will also receive error messages if the relay is rejected internally.



The email address to which relays can be automatically submitted upon detection.  If this parameter is not set, open relays will not be submitted to such a service.  If spamradar is configured to only report confirmed open relays (its default behavior), you can submit those relays to relays@orbs.org by using that address for this parameter.  Also, note that only services that accept relay nominations without an actual attached spam will accept this type of submission.

Customizing Your Allow and Ignore Files

spamradar tests servers to determine whether or not they relay for the domain that you specify.  There are some servers (such as your own mail servers, for example) that you want to be able to relay by design.  Therefore, spamradar needs a list of relays that you do not want to test – the spamradar.allow file.


There are also mail servers that you probably don’t need to bother testing.  For example, AOL probably doesn’t have any open relays.  The spamradar.ignore file that ships with spamradar has a number of these domains already listed.  Do not accept this list as a given, however.  It is recommended that you use the reporting features of spamradar to learn what domains should be placed in both the spamradar.ignore and spamradar.ignore files.


Both files can contain IP addresses, classful networks, domain names, and full hostnames (Unfortunately, CIDR notation is not yet supported, but is planned).  For example, your spamradar.allow file might contain the following:


# spamradar.allow file for myisp.int


# all the servers in my mail farm are here






The contents of your spamradar.ignore file might look something like this:


# spamradar.ignore file for myisp.int


# big mail-producing domains listed here




















Make certain that all of your own mail servers are listed in spamradar.allow.  A good way to double-check this is to use spamradar’s –o option to manually test one of your own mail servers for relaying.  If properly configured, spamradar should refuse to perform the test:


> spamradar.pl -o myserver.myisp.int

Skipping test of myserver.myisp.int - it is allowed to relay.


If spamradar does not refuse to test the relay, use the –x option to remove the relay from your testing database, fix the problem, and try again.


To test an entry in your spamradar.ignore file, perform a test similar to the one outlined above.  Unlike relays found in the spamradar.allow file, spamradar will not refuse to manually test a relay in the spamradar.ignore file — but it will issue a warning.  If you do not see that warning, adjust the contents of the file accordingly.



Installing Relaydata.pm

The method by which spamradar stores its data about relay testing has been abstracted from the main code into a separate module called Relaydata.pm.  Perl will need to be able to locate the Relaydata.pm module when it runs.  You can accomplish this by either placing Relaydata.pm in the same directory as the one that spamradar runs in (not recommended, for housekeeping purposes), or by placing it in one of the centralized directories that Perl has set aside for this purpose (recommended). 


The list of these directories is stored in Perl’s @INC array at runtime.  To display the contents of the @INC array from the command-line, you can use a command like:


> perl -e "print \"@INC\n\";"


Typical output on a stable Debian Linux machine will look something like this:


/usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.0 /usr/share/perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux .


If you try to run spamradar without installing Relaydata.pm, you will see an error something like the following:


Can't locate Relaydata.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.0 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.0 /usr/share/perl/5.6.0 /usr/lib/perl5/5.6/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.6 /usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux


Copying the Relaydata.pm file to the appropriate directory – usually the last directory in the list –will correct this.  For more information on proper placement of custom and/or site-specific Perl modules, consult your Perl documentation.

Relay Reporting


If the TEST_SERVICE_ADDR parameter is set in spamradar.conf, confirmed open relays will be automatically submitted to that email address.  Relays are listed one per line and are in the format accepted by ORBS:






If a relay is already marked as having been reported in the database, it will not be reported again.


If a relay is already listed in ORBS, it will not be submitted to ORBS.  On spamradar’s next pass through the database, relays that are marked as blocked by ORBS will be removed.  In this way, only those relays not yet listed by ORBS will remain in your local database.


Sendmail Interaction


You will need to make a small addition to your sendmail.mc file if you want sendmail to be able to use spamradar's database.  This change instructs sendmail to check the spamradarreject.db file and to reject connections from any host.  The changes required can be found in the spamradar.mc file in the spamradar distribution.  They are also reproduced here for reference.


# Add this to your local sendmail.mc file.

# If you have other local rulesets, you will have to integrate spamradar's

# rules with your own.


Kspamradar hash -a<MATCH> /etc/mail/spamradarreject


R$+ $| $+               $: $>LookUpDomain < $1 > <?> < $2 >

R<?> < $+ >             $: $>LookUpAddress < $1 > <OK> < $1 >

R<OK> < $* >            $: $1

R<RELAY> < $* >         $: $1

R<REJECT> $*            $#error $@ 5.7.1 $: "550 Server " $(dequote "" $&{client_addr} $)                                                       " blocked as possible open relay - see http://your.url.here/"

R<DISCARD> $*           $#discard $: discard

R<$+> $*                $#error $@ 5.7.1 $: $1


You will need to change the “Kspamradar” line to match the path to your preferred location for the spamradarreject.db file (though note that the “.db” extension should not be included in this parameter).  Also note that the “REJECT” line wraps onto the next line due to limitations of the size of this document.  Every line in a .mc file should begin with either a letter directive (in this case, K or R) or a comment.  For more information on adding local rulesets to your sendmail.mc file and using m4 to produce the corresponding sendmail.cf file, consult your sendmail documentation.

Administration and Operation

To run spamradar in its most basic mode, simply execute it:


> spamradar.pl


Typical output will look something like the following:


> spamradar.pl

ADVISORY mode - will NOT modify database.

relay IP          relay name                                     sent   tries  guesses

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   B idecom.unsj.edu.ar                                1       4  td wgz vong  B                                    0       6  roes whitis   B                                     1      23  jeffryn jej  B                                    0      10  smoss wcore  B                                    0       4  allex awolf  B                                    1       4  pjb1 k-garn   B                                    28      50  mace madcat B                                  13      25  stanton tru  B                                    6      29  wyldcld wiz   B                                     0       6  glydie glyd  B                                    1       7  cmcgrath he     B                                       3       7  robmck grv  B                                    1       7  robob whar B upp.poczta.lublin.pl                              0       3  gifcom joth  B                                    0       5  gobo rmurra   B                                     0       3  medge koerb    B                                      1      11  vangoe fhbr   B www.tarmachbm.co.uk                               0      13  bdavidso di     B dclient115-95.hispeed.ch                          0       7  asilva kjor    B great4.greatlifetoday.com                         9      13  blh wolfs


NOTE: the last column (“guesses”) has been truncated to fit the page.



spamradar’s behavior can also be modified on the command line.  Command-line parameters supersede most options in the configuration file.

Command-line Switches



consider all hosts, even "allows" and already-blocked


use alternate configuration file 

-d [0..5]

increase debugging verbosity. default is 1


export full database to STDOUT as CSV text

-f [filename]

mail log to analyze. default is /var/log/mail.log


print a help message


import data from colon-delimited file

-m [string]

manually search mail log for "string"

-o [host]

test host for open relay (by name or by IP)

(results will be mailed to TEST_RECIPIENT)


test any suspicious relays found


generate REJECT data for sendmail

-s [integer]

# of lines to pull from end of mail log


look for recent username-guessing attempts

-u [integer]

# of username guesses to tolerate


display program version information


watch and test (rather than just printing a report)


manually remove a relay from the database


These switches are explained in greater detail below.


-a: Display Information about All Hosts


By default, spamradar only shows information about relays that it feels are eligible for possible further testing.  If you would also like to see statistics and delivery information about the relays in your ignore and allow files, use the –a option.


NOTE: Use of the –a option automatically disables writes to the database and automatic testing.  This is to prevent inadvertent testing and blocking of your own servers.


-c: Specifying a Different Configuration File


If you would like to use a configuration file different from the one in the default location, it can be specified with the –c option.


-d: Debugging


spamradar lets you adjust what level of detail you see while it operates.

Debugging Levels

spamradar has five levels of output, depending on what information is needed.  Each level also includes the output of all previous levels.



At this level, only warnings and errors are displayed. Level 0 is appropriate for running spamradar from cron or in some other automated fashion.


This is spamradar's default verbosity level.  At this level, the standard relay report is displayed.


At Level 2, spamradar displays high-level diagnostic information.  This includes information about extracting records from the mail log, opening and closing the database, loading configuration files, and relay testing.  Starting at this level, spamradar also displays its current debugging level and displays summary information about the data collected.  During development, this was referred to as “chatty” debugging.


At this level, spamradar displays the handling of each record.  As each record-parsing subroutine is called, its name is displayed.  Level 3 will generate roughly the same number of records as the number that you have asked spamradar to analyze.


At Level 4, spamradar shows the information extracted from each record at this level.  This information varies with each record type.


 At this level, spamradar also displays its comparison of relay IPs and hostnames to the list of relays that are already blocked and should not be blocked.  spamradar will also show other miscellaneous low-level debugging information that is useful during development.  During development, this was referred to as “mother-in-law grade” debugging.


For example, if you run spamradar with the command-line option to increase debugging to level 2, and specify no other options, you will see output like:


> spamradar.pl –d 2

Debugging is set to level 2

ADVISORY mode - will NOT modify database.

/var/log/spamradar.log appears to be OK for writing.

Attempting to create lockfile /etc/mail/spamradar.db.lock ... success.

Attempting to lock lockfile /etc/mail/spamradar.db.lock ... success.

Opening database /etc/mail/spamradar.db ... success.

Loading relays we should never block from /etc/spamradar.allow ...

Loading currently rejected hosts from /etc/mail/access ...

Pulling last 6000 lines from /var/log/mail.log ...

Extracting data from log ...

ADVISORY mode - will NOT modify database.

relay IP          relay name                                     sent   tries  guesses

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   B idecom.unsj.edu.au                                1       4  td wgz vong  B                                    0       6  roes whitis   B                                     1      23  jeffryn jej  B                                    0      10  smoss wcore  B                                    0       4  allex awolf  B                                    1       4  pjb1 k-garn   B                                    28      50  mace madcat B upp.poczta.dublin.pl                              0       3  gifcom joth  B                                    0       5  gobo rmurra   B                                     0       3  medge koerb    B                                      1      11  vangoe fhbr   B www.larmachbm.co.uk                               0      13  bdavidso di     B dclient115-95.lospeed.ch                          0       7  asilva kjor    B great4.greatlifetoday.org                         9      13  blh wolfs

Closing database /share/home/royce/bin/spamradar/dev/spamradar.db ... success.

Unlocking lockfile /share/home/royce/bin/spamradar/dev/spamradar.db.lock ... success.

Removing lockfile /share/home/royce/bin/spamradar/dev/spamradar.db.lock ... success.


Using A Local spamradar.conf file

If you need to experiment with the settings in spamradar.conf, you can create a separate spamradar.conf file and keep it in a separate directory.  As long as you execute spamradar while you are in that directory, the local spamradar.conf will take precedence.  spamradar first checks the current directory and uses any local spamradar.conf file that it finds there, and then falls back on the system-wide spamradar.conf (usually located in /etc).


If you specify an alternate configuration file with the –c option, the –c option takes precedence and any local spamradar.conf file will be ignored.


-e: Exporting The Database


The entire database can be exported directly to your screen (STDOUT) with the –e option:


> spamradar.pl –e


The output is colon-delimited, and has this layout:




The data can be exported to a file by redirecting the output into a file on the command line.


For more information about the data format, see the document entitled spamradar Technical Notes.


-f: Reading From a Different Mail Log File


spamradar can be instructed to process a log file other than the current file.  For example, you might want to examine a log file from a previous day.


> spamradar.pl -f /var/log/log_archives/mail.log.20010324


-i: Importing Delimited Data


If you would like to import a list of relays from some other source, you can do so with the –i option.

IMPORTANT:  While data is being imported, only the first field (the IP address of the relay) is validated.  All other data is accepted as is.  Perform your own data checks and make a backup copy of the existing database before importing.  You may wish to export data with the –e option and study it before importing.


-m: Manually Search for an Arbitrary String


If something is happening to your mail servers, sometimes it is something that spamradar is not prepared to detect.  Sometimes your interest in a particular relay is piqued when you see it in spamradar’s output, and you would like to examine it more closely.  In these circumstances, it is sometimes handy to use the –m option to do the searching for you.


-o: Manually Testing A Relay


To manually test to see whether or not a relay is open, use the -o switch:


> spamradar.pl -o

Testing for open relay ...

Connecting to ...

<<< 220 spamhoundz.int SMTP Server SLmail Ready

>>> HELO spamtest.tycho.org

<<< 250 spamhoundz.int

>>> MAIL FROM:<relaytest@tycho.org>

<<< 250 OK

>>> RCPT TO:<relaytest@tycho.org>

<<< 250 OK

>>> DATA

<<< 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>

>>> (message body)

<<< 250 OK, submitted and queued. (6FB9F84C305411D5B55200400552AA80.SKM)

>>> QUIT

<<< 221 spamhoundz.int Service closing transmission channel

rlytest.pl: relay accepted - final response code 221


spamradar remembers the test results and will not retest the same server again by default:


> spamradar.pl -o

Skipped: tested on Sun Jan 15 08:58:20 2001 (0 days ago) with status RELAY_ACCEPTED


NOTE: While testing both hostnames and IP addresses is supported, spamradar attempts to convert hostnames to IUP addresses before testing.  If this fails, the test will not execute.  Since the mapping of hostnames to IPs (“forward” DNS records) and the mapping of IPs to hostnames (“reverse” DNS records) are not guaranteed to match, testing with IP addresses exclusively is recommended.


-O: Testing All Suspicious Relays


To automatically test all relays that show up in spamradar’s report, use the –O option:


> spamradar.pl –O -w


Note: testing multiple relays are always written to the database, even if the –w option is not specified.


-r: Generating Sendmail Reject Data


If you make sendmail aware of spamradar by adding awareness of spamradarreject.db to your sendmail.mc file, any relay marked as an open relay can be automatically blocked.  If you would like spamradar to simply regenerate spamradarreject.db and then exit, use the –r option.


NOTE: The creation of the spamradarreject.db file occurs automatically if you use the –w option.


-s: Adjusting the Number of Log Lines to Analyze


Sometimes it is useful to analyze a chunk of mail logs that is different from the default.  The larger the chunk, the more data spamradar has to work with, and the more relays will show up in the report.  You can manually override the number of log lines to analyze with the –s option, like so:


> spamradar.pl –s 16000


-t: Showing All Suspicious Activity in the Raw Mail Log


To manually display all activity in your mail log that indicates username guessing or invalid domains, use the > spamradar.pl –t option:


> spamradar.pl -t


All records corresponding to username guessing and From-name obfuscation (domains that do not exist or do not have MX records) are displayed.


-u: Adjusting the Username-Guessing Threshold


One of spamradar’s most important statistics is the number of deliveries attempted from a particular relay to users that don’t exist (username “guesses”).  If you would like to change the threshold at which spamradar begins to consider such guessing to be a concurrent indicator of spam attack, use the –u option.  This temporarily overrides the value in spamradar.conf.


-v: Displaying Version Information

Information about the current version of spamradar can be displayed with the –v option:


> spamradar.pl -v

spamradar.pl v0.9.8a by Royce Williams royce@tycho.org


-w: Watch and Act


This switch turns spamradar from a reporting tool into an active agent of spam prevention.  In this mode, after the standard statistics are collected and a report in generated, the following additional duties are performed:


·        spamradar walks through the database.  If a relay is marked as queued for retesting or has no previous test status, it is added to the pending test list.

·        Relays that are more than MAX_TEST_AGE old are removed from the database if they are listed in ORBS.

·        The TEST_RECIPIENT mailbox is popped to check for test results.  If any results are not listed in TEST_SERVICE_ADDR, they are queued for reporting and then emailed to TEST_SERVICE_ADDR in chunks of 10.

·        The spamradarreject.db file is updated, populated with all relays that are currently marked as blockable in the database.




Here are some solutions to common problems and situations with spamradar.


·        If you find that spamradar is not recognizing some types of records, you can use the –d debugging option to display records that are currently being discarded.  If you write an additional subroutine to handle this record type and it may be of general use, contribution back to the main source tree is encouraged.

·        If spamradar is improperly configured and begins testing relays that are supposed to relay for you, you may need to remove those relays manually with the –x option and/or manually clear out any test results deposited in your TEST_RECIPIENT’s inbox.

·        In some circumstances, spamradar is sometimes unable to create initial copies of its databases.  You may need to create empty files with appropriate permissions.

·        If spamradar spontaneously erases the hard drive of the person in the next cubicle, this may be a bug or a feature – depending on your perspective.

·        More information about what spamradar is processing is written to spamradar.log.  This information is more extensive than the “chatty” level of debugging, but can be less confusing than the higher debugging levels.  Examining the log may be useful when trying to track down why something is happening.

·        You’ve got the source code.  Feel free to change it to help track down your problem.  If the change fits well into an existing debugging level, contribute it back to the tree.





Here are the steps required to manually remove spamradar from your system.


·        If you are using spamradarreject.db support in your sendmail.mc file, remove the spamradar-specific information from the .mc file, regenerate your sendmail.cf file, and reload sendmail.

·        Remove Relaydata.pm from the appropriate directory in the Perl @INC path.

·        Remove spamradar.pl from its directory (usually /usr/local)

·        Rremove spamradar.db from its directory (usually /etc/mail)

·        Remove spamradar.conf from its directory (usually /etc)

·        Remove spamradar.allow from its directory (usually /etc)

·        Remove spamradar.ignore from its directory (usually /etc)


A deinstallation script is planned for a future version of spamradar.




ORBS              Open Relay Behaviour-modification System – http://www.orbs.org/

CPAN             Comprehensive Perl Archive Network – http://www.cpan.org/

Perl                  http://www.perl.com/

rlytest.pl    http://www.unicom.com/sw/rlytest/

TSI                  MAPS Transport Security Initiative - http://www.mail-abuse.org/tsi/

sendmail           http://www.sendmail.org/